Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
偶然之下,我的姑姑透过关系得到了两张入场卷。Ryan, 涂祖富, 也就是我姑姑的同事的妹妹的男友。其实,他俩的恋情还蛮地下情的。原因,很庸俗, 不就是双方的父母亲的问题。女方是父亲,男方是母亲。女方的忧虑是情有可原的,毕竟是女生,父亲当然紧张些。可是我不明白的是男方的母亲。不但反对他谈恋爱,还反对他参加《新》。据说,直到他进入了十强,他母亲才支持的说(进了十强,有名;进了五强,还有奖金奖品,难道还不支持?)。还有一件事就是他母亲还设定20岁的他10点的门禁!!=.=现在青少年,10点晚上算什么?The night is still young! 对我来说,10点可能聚会刚散,遑论要到家……


回归现实,这是场比赛,博了那么久,只差那一名,$$的差别可多了!一辆车、九千令吉、一辆摩托、一家冷气机……现实的残酷呀~ 再来,未到卫兰出场的那个环节,栏杆上还有她的布条。她出场不到五分钟,她的布条也紧接在她出现后消失。取代的是Sony 和Astro 的布条。还有Ryan ,他有那种明星相,极大的可能会步入娱乐圈。都还没踏进,某评审就想要将他的女儿许配给他。看吧!还没正式毕业/出道,都开始有“未正式”的诱惑,那么他和我的姑姑的同事的妹妹,接下来又会不会开花结果呢?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Killing Tech
With the advancement of technology, it is truly undeniable that it has benefit lots of people in all fields: medical, science, education, business etc. Especially internet, which causes us not boring anymore in our life. Just imagine one day without internet, hows your life could be.
Haha, sounds so academic. But what to do, I seldom blog in English and everything start from scratch. Hate it when virus, torjan and worm attack my baby [laptop], and now I have to use my aunt’s laptop, which don’t have “han yu pin yin”. Thank god she willing to borrow me, if not, all my work will be hanging there and some devil going to hunt me down like …. Dog?
Oh ya, curse Taylor’s computer, spreading all the virus to my pendrive. And in my entire 18 life, this is the first time two pendrive “died” because of these stupid Taylor’s computer. Wonder what the hell the IT department doing, we paid to Taylor’s and Taylor’s paid them. Come on, they should maintain the “safety” of the computer! But what I heard from my friend was they are watching TVB series instead of doing those technical stuff! What the hell?! Or, Taylor’s didn’t pay them to do? Even Monash help their students to install free antivirus software! Ok, the worst part was, my laptop need to reformat. I backup my file and I delete the wrong file in my backup file. See! I hate reformatting.
Ok. Initially, what I wanted to blog was about the social network site, but it somehow came out that I am so pissed off with reformatting and stuff XD. It is great to have Facebook, Friendster etc etc, and these innovative business people are so brilliant that they take all the advantage of these social network sites to yield the minimum cost of advertising and reach a massive audience. But HELLO!!!! This can be done optimally and not over doing it! It is so ANNOYING when I once I open the mailbox and everything is from Facebook, that someone send a message bla bla bla…. So what I did was delete it. And TADA! Your marketing technique can’t reach me! So do your message.
Supremely annoying marketing techniques when it is extensive and excessively misused by all the “brilliant” people. Just venting~
Haha, sounds so academic. But what to do, I seldom blog in English and everything start from scratch. Hate it when virus, torjan and worm attack my baby [laptop], and now I have to use my aunt’s laptop, which don’t have “han yu pin yin”. Thank god she willing to borrow me, if not, all my work will be hanging there and some devil going to hunt me down like …. Dog?
Oh ya, curse Taylor’s computer, spreading all the virus to my pendrive. And in my entire 18 life, this is the first time two pendrive “died” because of these stupid Taylor’s computer. Wonder what the hell the IT department doing, we paid to Taylor’s and Taylor’s paid them. Come on, they should maintain the “safety” of the computer! But what I heard from my friend was they are watching TVB series instead of doing those technical stuff! What the hell?! Or, Taylor’s didn’t pay them to do? Even Monash help their students to install free antivirus software! Ok, the worst part was, my laptop need to reformat. I backup my file and I delete the wrong file in my backup file. See! I hate reformatting.
Ok. Initially, what I wanted to blog was about the social network site, but it somehow came out that I am so pissed off with reformatting and stuff XD. It is great to have Facebook, Friendster etc etc, and these innovative business people are so brilliant that they take all the advantage of these social network sites to yield the minimum cost of advertising and reach a massive audience. But HELLO!!!! This can be done optimally and not over doing it! It is so ANNOYING when I once I open the mailbox and everything is from Facebook, that someone send a message bla bla bla…. So what I did was delete it. And TADA! Your marketing technique can’t reach me! So do your message.
Supremely annoying marketing techniques when it is extensive and excessively misused by all the “brilliant” people. Just venting~
Friday, July 10, 2009
刚从四天三夜的Planning Meet 回来,脑袋就一直被母亲轰炸。头已经是重重的,耳朵却不停地嗡嗡响。原因无他,就是今天的头条新闻——《英语教数理废除》
刚从四天三夜的Planning Meet 回来,脑袋就一直被母亲轰炸。头已经是重重的,耳朵却不停地嗡嗡响。原因无他,就是今天的头条新闻——《英语教数理废除》
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