Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Is this fate?

The reason I am asking so is because the video is truly reflecting my current stage!
I have been in doubt and fear of what people think, and yet I have *sort of* make the decision to live a way that I want it to be.

Coincidentally, I have think of a quote for myself today, before I saw this video...

"The beauty of fear, is that you know once you step on it and cross it, everything will be fine."
(You will be On FIRE!)

Dont get me wrong, what I meant 'On Fire' is not referring to burn out or anxious, rather, it is a motivational spirit that drive you to shine and work towards your dream/goal!

I believe I know myself better, after a series of repetitive thinking, exploring, experiencing, meeting, and I figured what kind of life I want it to be. That has been more assertive, as I explaining to people what I want it to be, and suddenly I lots of thought flow into my mind and I am so excited that I just dont feel like sleeping (the fact is I drank coffee at night.. experiencing insomnia..LOL) 

I have so many plans in mind and I need to keep the enthusiastic! KEEP THE SPIRIT UP!!

Like what stated in the vid, changing your learning zone to your comfort zone. I wont say that I succeed, but at least I have tried so many things and this are part and parcel of my memories, the experience I owned that I can share. I might have found what I want to do with my future, and I am not so sure did I lost the passion that I used to have. Whichever is it, I will definitely work on both, because this is 'ME' =)

Recall my experience in a desert... Is really...Unbelievable...even until now. I NEVER dream of sitting on a camel nor hiking the freaking valley with long thin cardi + scarf...Yet, the intuitive decision I made to go on that trip is something CRAZY but is a trip for me to reflect as well:

1. Don't let your fear hypnotize your soul --> Just do it!
2. You will have to be on your own in certain part of your life journey and you cant just let it go/keep it blank just because you are alone.--> Colour it with something beautiful.

Thursday, March 14, 2013




  1. 友谊——一种世间难得的情义,尤其是不同背景、身份、阶级所建立起的情份。
  2. 职业无分贵贱。就如很多人所说的,选择自己喜欢的事业,才能充费地发挥出自己的实力与天分,哪怕在别人的严重那职业是多么的卑微。那份热忱是你继续前进的力量。近来我有种预感,我觉得我想要的工作,是从前我没去留意过的职业——大学里的就业辅导员(?)- Career Service。说出来,身边的人可能都会感到惊讶,因为我常常给人一种很强势(女强人)的印象,尤其是有些事情是我无法改变的,如严肃的样貌。
  3. 自己心里介怀的事,经过时间的洗涤,性质或许早已改变。那我们是否察觉这改变,茅塞顿开而释怀了;还是死脑筋,坚持做下去?就好像男主以为自己还是喜欢前女友(毕竟5年前求婚失败的情节一直在脑海里),为了讨好她而辞去动物管理员一职而投向高薪的华丽跑车销售代表。好比说我说我喜欢写作,至今有时还会为了没选择中文系而遗憾。那现今,我还是说我喜欢写作,源自于脑海里的想法还是衷心感想?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Venturing Victoria - The Great Ocean Road

I am loving this scene... Enjoying the magnificent view and feeling the touch of the chilling breeze.

This, is one of the view from the renown destination, named The Great Ocean Road, Victoria. There is 0 reception throughout the journey, and 0 commercial stop. It took us ages just to get to reach Princetown to get a meal/pizza (P/s: Didnt meet any prince though XD). Along the way, awed by the scenic view of the farm, a view that hard to seen in the urban town. 

*Cut short*
Finally, we reached the Port Campbell National Park, the place where the famous 12 Apostles as well as the   London Arch.