On 22nd April 2010, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Earth Day is created to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment.A day to appreciate the wonders of nature and to remind us to conserve this blue planet.
This day is also a day to reflect upon ourselves of what damage we have caused to this precious Earth. Remember, every single choice that we make,wether buying a car or taking a bus ride or even choosing the food we eat, can determine the future of our fragile ecosystem.
On this Earth Day, do something for the Earth that you stand on.Save energy.The less energy used at home means less fossil fuel is burned to create the energy. Keep your own reusable bag wherever you go.Go for fluorescent light bulbs.Save water.Plant a tree at your front lawn.Do not leave your electrical appliances on stand-by mode.Do anything to make a change.
Let's appreciate Earth,Green-Malaysia
PS: 明天有阅读一小时的活动,就是不停地阅读长达一小时。从晚上8点到9点,要参我吗?这是星洲日报副刊的活动^^
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