Tuesday, August 13, 2013

#64 Appreciation: Dream

Similar to creativity, dream is one of the aspect of life that most of us consciously neglect but subconsciously in the heart still longing for it. Like many said, dream (the one that you experience when you sleep) implies that your mind have been constantly think of it that it still "hunt" you down when you are sleeping. Similar to other context, dream is a goal, a state that we want to achieve, but yet to be start of or is hard to accomplish.

I have mentioned about dream in my previous post before the start of the 100 days project, and has featured a meaningful  video that discuss about how we can achieve the 'far far away land'... and one of the takeaway is to step out of the comfort zone. Easier said then done. The first step of stepping out from the complacent is often the hardest, followed by adapting it and not retracting after encountering with the first downfall/obstacle.

I realized my problem in realizing my dream... Not the first step, rather, is to sustain throughout the phase of working towards my dream (especially not being told off by the public and general perception). To all dream achiever, I salute your resilience and determination, as for those who struggle, we shall work together to reach our 'dream' (which is not going to be a dream soon!)

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