Monday, July 1, 2013

#26 Appreciation: Oldies

Oldies, the forever lasting songs that most people enjoy! Love the soothing rhythm, meaningful lyrics, unfortunately the frequency of radio station playing these songs has significantly reduce. The oldies contain shared memory between my parents' memory/generation with me, as I grow up listening to to what they listen.

Those singer like The Carpenters, BeeGees, The Corrs and lots more, which I cant remember the name, but the rhythm of the songs. It has been such a long time I have not been tuning into the same channel as my dad, ever since I have "grown up" and hanging out with friends, listen to the idol song rather than spending those time with my dad and mimicking the singer on stage with a broom as mic. While I was writing the previous post, I realized that it has been so long I have not listen to the oldies...

What I miss out, is not only the beauty of those song, but also the childhood days, when I spend my dream (as singer) with my family, reminiscing those warm-hearted moment as a child... Oldies, songs that last for generations, also a reflection of the precious moment with family, filled with love, that similarly lasting.

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