Thursday, June 27, 2013

#21 Appreciation: Inspiration

Inspiration, something that strikes you and stimulate your chain of thoughts to generate heaps of ideas. There is no need for fancy settings to get inspired. As long as you are in a calm state of mind where you ready to receive and accept what you are seeing, hearing and sensing. A simple walk, a quick glance, and even an empty mind can inspired you.

A quote from the role Mr Han (acted by Jackie Chan) in Karate Kid, "Kung Fu lives in everything we do". Same as inspiration. It will come naturally to you when you are literally ready to expose to new thing although it could be in part of your daily routine.

The greatness about inspiration is the motivation that urge you to be better, to achieve more, to be more enthusiastic on what we are doing, to push you off your limit, to understand your potential and lots more. It is like a hidden hand that made you move forward, finding the passion and the drive to do what you do. :)

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