Friday, June 14, 2013

#8 Appreciation: Friendship

Friendship that last.

This is what I hope for since I was young. Is not something unachievable, is more about the "subconscious" commitment that we have for each other. At a young age, I have lots of friends, and among them there are a few that I classified as best-friend-forever! We admitted into the same secondary school, different class but we still spent time together, have meals together etc. Things started to change after a few months. While I still perceived her as one of my besties, she announced that hers is someone other than me. At that moment, I felt so disappointed and betrayed. It might sound silly..."who will take a primary kid word so seriously?" Unfortunately, this is the impact of that incident and even until today, I could still remember all the names. No hard feelings between us or the group, we still contact each other and we head towards our own life. 

To me, the realization from the incident is about maintaining relationship, esp friendship. I guess ever since that incident, I dont reveal much about my true self until a time where I think both parties are ready for a better relationship, which is friendship. I start to value the depth in a relationship rather than the breadth of it. Well, although at times I still admire people who knows lots of people (and seems to be famous).

I also finally understand why people always say that uni friends are usually who are going to be the life-time friends. Too much uncertainties for a young kid, but in uni, when everyone is relatively grown up and closer to the "real life", we tend to appreciate each other more. As of today, there is a group of girls that I really appreciate their presence, and the four of us are not even close until the final year of uni. Lots of happening ever since, and I really enjoyed the final moments of my undergraduate. We have graduated 1.5 years till date. Even though I am thousand miles away from them, we still continue texting each other. Even though my current priorities differ from theirs, we still can have random, brainless topics over our conversation, that bring us together, cheer and support each other. This is what 'friendship' means to me :)

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